Stage de Tango Argentin
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Stage de Tango Argentin
Stage de Tango Argentin
Samedi 24 février 2018: Stage de Tango Argentin.
Le Club de Danses du CERN organise un stage de Tango Argentin le samedi 24 février 2018. Marquez cette date dans votre agenda!
Le stage sera donné par Daniele et Antonia.
Le programme vous sera communiqué ultérieurement. Garder un œil sur
cette page!
Saturday 24 February 2018: Argentine Tango Workshop
The CERN Dancing Club organizes an Argentine Tango Workshop on Saturday, 24 February 2018. Mark this date in your agenda!
The workshop will be taught by Daniele and Antonia.
The detailed programme remains to be decided. Watch this space!
- Location:
- Meyrin, Switzerland
- Event dates:
- From: Sabato, 24 Febbraio 2018 - To: Sabato, 24 Febbraio 2018
- Location:
- Meyrin, Switzerland
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Sabato, 24 Febbraio 2018
- Event Ends: Sabato, 24 Febbraio 2018