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Susana Miller tango workshops in Houston

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Susana Miller tango workshops in Houston

Susana Miller tango workshops in Houston

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Susana Miller returns to Houston May 27-28 2017

Susana Miller is the preeminent teacher of Argentine Tango in the Milonguero Style, a term she coined to introduce tango apilado to students around the world. Milonguero Style is a synthesis of Susana’s studies over the years of the unique dancing styles of the older milongueros. She was the first person to study the anonymous and intuitive milongueros' dance, to enjoy tango in the same way they have done for decades: dancing socially. She has a gift for deciphering their distinct vocabularies and choreographic combinations, and transmitting these to her students. In this way she has developed a rich language that condenses more than a hundred years of tango tradition. Her work as a teacher has shaped tango as we know it now, not only in Buenos Aires, but also around the world.

Her ability to focus on key concepts and communicate them with ease distinguishes her from her predecessors, since she can – with a language as technically correct as it is accessible – share the secrets of the Porteña milonga with everyone who wants to become part of it. Teacher of teachers, she has worked with most of the renowned milonguero teachers and is constantly training new generations of professional instructors. She has toured all around the world.

Workshop Details

Saturday May 27 2017

Class A 1.00 PM - 2.15 PM For Everyone

Learning the 5 basics teaches you all the rest. We learn through repetition.
1.The weight of the body is transferred just like when you walk, without thinking.
2. Exercises for muscle memory. Fluidity and balance. Steps are infinite, but movement and technique are not. They apply to all steps and figures.
3. Rhythm. Rhythmic structure is what teaches us to dance. Fun exercises to recognize rhythm.
4 & 5. The abrazo, the walk and floor navigation. The technique of the embrace. Walking in double time. Walking within one floor tile. Navigating the milonga dance floor.

Class B 2.45 PM - 4.00 PM Intermediate and Advanced, Tango to D'Arienzo

We'll dance the spirit of the orchestras; the steps are only skin-deep. With D'Arienzo, the steps are shorter and there are more double times. Turns and counter-turns. Musicality. For women - the ocho cortado with traspié. Dancing is not just "following." Let's be creative within the lead.

Class C 4.30 PM - 5.45 PM Advanced Tango Vals

Rhythm, technique for balance in turns, without opening up the abrazo. Three fundamental keys. Incredible sequences from Tete. A turn with a double sacada, a circular corrida going backwards. A phrase from an old milonguero when he invited a woman to dance a waltz: "Do you want to step onto the carousel?"

Sunday May 28 2017

Class D 1.00 PM - 2.15 PM Milonga for All levels

Walking Milonga , with traspié. How to get into and out of the traspié. Technique for doing the traspié. A special traspié. You'll learn milonga using everyday objects as percussion instruments. In the same tanda, there are milongas that are faster than others. How do you adapt to them?

Class E 2.45 PM - 4.00 PM Women's Technique, All levels

Also useful for men, who are welcome to participate.

Dancing means finding yourself within your body, regardless of the style danced. Balance, presence and connection. Posture, embrace. How to place your feet on the floor to avoid metatarsal pain. When to bend and extend the knees.

Walking backwards, the cross, back ochos, walking forward, turns and pauses, standing on one leg. A simple, but fancy, foot game. We only have 6 movements. To follow, we have to be "available," not attentive. We "hear" our body and that of our partner.

Class F Intermediate and Advanced, Tango to Pugliese

We'll dance the spirit of the orchestras; the steps are only skin-deep. Pugliese: the interpretation of silences and suspensions. Dance "speaks" and the steps are its words. Silences and accents are its intention. How "say" a lot by doing a little. Technique for stopping on one's axis. Milonguero boleo and barrida. Differences between Pugliese and D'Arienzo in the same sequence.

All 6 classes…………………….……...…………………….$150.00 Any 3 classes: …………..…………………………………..$ 80.00 Individual classes……..……………….…………………...$ 30.00

Each class builds on what is learned in the previous: It is recommended to take the entire sequence per day or the whole package (while also taking advantage of the discount!)

Susana reserves the right to change or adjust the syllabus at any point during the workshop based on the students’ skill /comfort level.

Bring a camera or phone to record in the last five minutes (note: recording only allowed when announced).

It is strongly advised that the registered students for the workshop arrive early and begin warming up before the workshop session of their choice begins.

Private Lessons: Susana will be available One Hour Private Lessons, first come first served. All individuals for privates must come with a partner, though instruction will be dedicated to person taking the class. Lessons are $100.0/single or $120.0/couple (plus floor fee, if it applies).


  • Location:
    Houston, United States
    Event dates:
    From: Sabato, 27 Maggio 2017 - To: Domenica, 28 Maggio 2017
    Houston, United States
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Sabato, 27 Maggio 2017
    Event Ends: Domenica, 28 Maggio 2017
  • Susana Miller
    Susana Miller
Read 5371 times


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