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Helsinki Milonga Weekend 2

The Valentine's Day edition
Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 83.75% - 4 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 83.25% - 4 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 81% - 3 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 70.75% - 4 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 3 votes

Total Score

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Helsinki Milonga Weekend 2

Helsinki Milonga Weekend 2

The Valentine's Day edition
The Valentine's Day edition
80 out of 100 with 15 ratings


Toinen / The Second Helsinki Milonga Weekend!

Tangon iloa talveen!
Tapahtuman idea: Sarja milongoja, joissa soittavat paikalliset DJ:t. Ennakkoilmoittautumista ei tarvita.

As the darkness turns into winter and almost to spring, and the days lighter, the Finnish tango community invites you to spend a weekend of lovely dancing in hopes of giving you a moment of joy to look forward to. There is no Frostbite Tango Festival in 2016 but the same association that is behind it, is behind HMW!

The concept is simple and brilliant:
A series of milongas chained together with local (but still internationally renowned) DJs, no registration required.

Please do not mark yourself as "Going/Attending" until you are sure you are coming - until that point mark yourself as "Interested". We thank you for your cooperation!


Preparty Torstai / Thursday 11.02.16
20.00 - ~23.30 Warm up by going to Milonga del Jueves
DJ 1

Perjantai / Friday 12.02.16 HMW Kickoff!
20-00 DJ 2
00-04 DJ 3
A warm meal will be available throughout the night to keep you well fed and wanting to dance until late, served around

Lauantai / Saturday
12-13 Brunch
12-18 DJ 4
20-01 DJ 5
01-?? DJ 6

Lauantai-ilta / Saturday night: Nyyttikestit / Potluck food!
We request all participants to bring something to eat for the evening milonga at a price of around 5-10€. We would love to see local dishes from your country! Please prepare the food so that it can be served directly when you arrive; the kitchen in Ático does not have a big selection of kitchen utensils.

Sunnuntai / Sunday
12-14 Brunch
12-17 DJ 7
18-22 DJ8

The milongas have a price of 8€ for visitors from other countries and members of Amigos del Tango, price for others: 10€. It includes food, coffee and snacks. You are welcome to bring your own bottle of refreshments.

As there is no registration required, we are not making any promises regarding leader/follower balance at the milongas.

Please make sure that you click "Going" here on the event if you are coming - we need to know how much food to prepare!

If you are a group of followers travelling together, we encourage you to use your charm and allure to bring some leaders along with you; everyone will be grateful!

Warm greetings from the DJ team

Даты для следующего мероприятия уже выбраны, можете резервировать отель и билеты. Более конкретные детали, место и т.п. еще в процессе подготовки, но даты уже известны: это 12-14 февраля с милонгой - препати 11 февраля! Это уикэнд на день Святого Валентина - готовьте ваши сердца! Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что это мероприятие не фестиваль Фростбайт, Фростбайта в 2016 году не будет.


  • Location:
    Helsinki, Finland
    Event dates:
    From: Venerdì, 12 Febbraio 2016 - To: Domenica, 14 Febbraio 2016
    Helsinki, Finland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Venerdì, 12 Febbraio 2016
    Event Ends: Domenica, 14 Febbraio 2016
Read 3598 times


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