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Tango Wellness Weekend

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Wellness Weekend

Tango Wellness Weekend

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


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Hurrá itt a VII. alkalom, hogy újra együtt bulizhassunk!

Egy hétvége, ami csak a táncról, rólad és rólunk szól!

Egy hétvége, ahol rengeteget fejlődhetsz a táncodban, legyél bármilyen szinten! Egy hely, ahol érdekes embereket ismerhetsz meg!

A Szálló a Velence partján, saját wellness részleggel rendelkezik. Az oktatás részben a hotel termeiben, részben a 2015-ben átadott VELENCE KORZÓN lesz. A kilátás leírhatatlan! Körpanorámás parkettás, klimatizált terem….

Szuper árakkal, színes programokkal, jókedvvel kacagással, dj-kel, nemzetközi mezőnnyel várunk benneteket.
Tangóórák, férfi és női- tangótechnikák, wellness, streching, szauna, közös játékok és még sorolhatnánk…
Tanárok: Glotz Mária & Szeghalmi Endre

Tangó Cafék és Milongák (16 órányi tánc):
Szombat délután dj. CSATAI Luca vár majd a délutáni Tangó Cafén. Szombat este dj. CSENGERI Adrienn a Milonga Elegante-n lesz a keverőpult mögött. :)
Vasárnap pedig Extra hosszú Tangó Café vár benneteket Mr. dj. alias GYENIS Balázs.

A jó hangulat garantált, tangó lesz bőven sőt még valami más is.

A Hotelben büféasztalos reggeli, – vacsora vár minket.
Ha bármilyen étel allergiád vagy kívánságod van, kérlek jelezd felém , s mi megoldjuk.

Óriási buli lesz, csodaszép milonga helyszínnel, remek táncos színvonallal!


This is THE weekend, only about the Dance, You and Us!
This is THE weekend where you can improve a lot, regardless to your level of!
This is THE place where you can meet new, interesting people!!

The hotel is located on the shore of Velence, with its own wellness service. Fantastic prices, varied program, good times for socializing, great professional DJs are waiting for you. Tango classes, two tango technique classes (women’s technique, men’s technique), wellness, stretching, Pilates sauna, buffet, ice breakers, etc…

You will be dancing on the two tango cafés and Saturday milonga (with more than 16(!) hours of dancing). The dancing venue will be at the in the newly built Velence Korzó.

Great atmosphere, tango and much, much fun!

Teachers of the classes: Maria & Endre

WHEN: 2016. 11. 19-20 (Saturday-Sunday)

WHERE: Velence, Juventus Hotel, Hungary


10:00am – 01:00pm Registration, Check in
11:00am – 12:00am Pilates
01:30pm – 02:30pm Wsh. 1. TANGO TECHNIQUE
02:40pm – 03:55pm Wsh. 2. Tango
04:00pm – 05:15pm Wsh. 3. Tango Vals
03:00pm – 07:30pm TANGO CAFÉ ***Dj.Luca Csatai***
07:00pm – 08:30pm Dinner
09:00pm – 03:30am MILONGA ELEGANTE ***Dj. Adrienn Csengeri ***

08:00am – 10:00am Breakfast/ Lunch
10:00am – 12:00am Checkout
10:30am – 11:30am Wsh. 4. TANGO TECHNIQUE
11:30am – 12:50pm Wsh. 5. Tango
13:00pm – 14:00pm Wsh. 6. Milonga
14:00pm – 15:00 pm Pilates – Streching with Maria
15:00pm – 20:00pm TANGÓ CAFÉ ***Dj. Gyenis Balázs***

Early Bird: 2016. November 4th, so apply as soon as possible!


– 1 night 2 days (Saturday – Sunday)
– all the milongas (two Tango Cafés, on Saturday milonga Elegante) with more then 16 hours of dancing
– buffet
– free usage of wellness
– bathrob usage
– free wifi and parking!
– and much much fun!!!
50 EUR Paying after 4th of November: 66 EUR


– 1 night 2 days (Saturday – Sunday)
– all the classes ( tango technique classes, tango classes, Pilates – stretching)
– all the milongas (two Tango Cafés, on Saturday milonga Elegante) with more then 16 hours of dancing
– buffet
– free usage of wellness
– bathrobe usage
– free WiFi and parking!
– and much much fun!!!
85 EUR Paying after 4th of November: 100 EUR


45 EUR Paying after 4th of November: 55 EUR

25 EUR Paying after 4th of November: 35 EUR

15 EUR Paying after 4th of November:15 EUR

Tango Café: 5 EUR.
Saturday Milonga: 5 EUR
Saturday Café + Saturday Milonga: 10 EUR
Extra options

a. Would you like to have a private room? +15 EUR / person/ night
b. You have milonga package but you want to come to the classes? 10 EUR / class

It will be an amazing party with lots of fun and great level of dancers!


  • Location:
    Velence, Hungary
    Event dates:
    From: Sabato, 19 Novembre 2016 - To: Domenica, 20 Novembre 2016
    Velence, Hungary
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Sabato, 19 Novembre 2016
    Event Ends: Domenica, 20 Novembre 2016
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