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Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi Live Teatro Santuccio

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Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi Live Teatro Santuccio

Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi Live Teatro Santuccio

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Exhiting end-of- season with Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi !

Live Music again at the amazing venue of Teatro Santuccio with it's great acoustic and the energy created with it's special floor. Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi is the result of an idea by Ruben Peloni y Adrian Fioramonti; the repertoire is conceived for the Milonga and focuses of the epoca de oro, following the dynamics of the milonga, including live “cortinas” between  “tandas".

The group is a "trio" but it will play like an Orquestra: Adrian Fioramonti,  guitars , Simone Marini,  bandoneon (Soloist with Solo Tango, Music Director with Roberto Herrera Compny),  Ruben Peloni, voice (Soloist with Tango Tinto, Hyperion Ensemble, and the renowned  Maestro Luis Bacalov).


Gran finale di stagione con Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi Live !
Di nuovo la musica dal vivo in milonga con la fantastica acustica del Teatro Santuccio e con l'energia che si crea nella sua particolare pista .

Ruben Peloni y Los Tanturi è il risultato di un’ idea di Ruben Peloni e Adrian Fioramonti, che ha come premessa “un repertorio mirato alle sale di milonga”. Il repertorio si concentra nell’ epoca d’oro del Tango, e dal vivo segue la dinamica della milonga, includendo “cortinas” musicali fra “tanda e tanda”, divise per stili e ritmi.

La formazione che suonerà da noi è un trio, ma sembrerà un'orchestra: Adrian Fioramonti alla chitarra, Simone Marini (Solista per i Solo Tango, Direttore musicale per Roberto Herrera nello spettacolo "El Tango") e naturalmente la suadente voce di Ruben Peloni (voce solista di Tango Tinto, Hyperion Ensemble, protagonista di Maria de Buenos Aires nei teatri italiani, cantante nei concerti del Maestro Luis Bacalov),

Completa la serata la selezione musicale di Maurizio Soldà,
Riservato ai soci ACSI FAI Tango , contributo serata 15€.

Teatro Santuccio, via Luigi Sacco 10, Varese .
Parcheggio comunale a 100 m, aperto tutta la notte.


  • Location:
    Via Luigi Sacco 10, Varese, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Saturday, 27 May 2017 - To: Sunday, 28 May 2017
    Via Luigi Sacco 10, Varese, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Saturday, 27 May 2017
    Event Ends: Sunday, 28 May 2017
  • Number of Participants:
    150 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    15 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    150 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    15 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
  • Accommodation:
Read 6850 times


Tango Social Club

Association devoted to tango music, literature and dance, in Varese Italy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Via Luigi Sacco 10, Varese, Italy Pin icons from Medialoot


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