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4 Largo Encuentro De Tango

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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4 Largo Encuentro De Tango

4 Largo Encuentro De Tango

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Iscrizioni chiuse

Tangueros Fermo

con la direzione artistica di Michele Sottocasa

Con il patrocinio della Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo,

la Pro loco e la Città di Porto Sant'Elpidio


Largo Encuentro De Tango

10-11-12-13 Settembre 2015

Le Mimose - Porto Sant'Elpidio


Arrivato alla quarta edizione il nostro incontro di tango si rinnova e propone, sempre nella rinomata cornice del villaggio turistico “Le Mimose”, una kermesse di quattro giorni dedicata a questo ballo sociale . Si alterneranno alla consolle ben 7 Dj ognuno con delle singolarità d’eccellenza, ma tutti animati dalla stessa volontà, farvi consumare le scarpe da ballo!
La località di Porto Sant'Elpidio si affaccia direttamente sul mare e il villaggio, sede dell’incontro, è bagnato dall’Adriatico, quindi, di giorno spiaggia, di notte milonga…
Per non farci mancare nulla abbiamo pensato anche di proporvi itinerari turistici nella splendida regione Marche, possibili passeggiate in agriturismo, shopping negli outlet delle migliori aziende e griffes del territorio o, per i più pigri, momenti di relax tra spiaggia e piscina.
Questo evento ha una sua filosofia: quella di soddisfare i ballerini, anche i più esigenti. Una pista perfettamente adatta al Tango, impianto audio eccellente e musicalizadores di comprovata esperienza.
Settembre è da sempre il periodo migliore per un fine settimana al mare, se poi vi aggiungiamo scelta musicale, abbraccio, ottima pista, cordialità e cortesia… lo trasformeremo in un “Largo encuentro de Tango!”

Programma e costi

Un programma semplice per gli appassionati di tango, giusto il tempo per qualche ora di relax al mare o in piscina o per visitare le dolci e verdeggianti colline marchigiane con le sue bellezze storiche e naturali o gli outlet di calzature ed abbigliamento, delle migliori griffes, presenti sul territorio.

Giovedì 10 settembre 2015 ore 22,00

Milonga di anteprima Largo Encuentro de Tango

Tdj Vassily (Grecia)

ore 04,00 chiusura

Venerdì 11 settembre 2015

ore 16.00

accoglienza, registrazione e cocktail di benvenuto

ore 16,30 - 20,30

Milonga de bienvenida

Tdj Antonella Scidà (Roma)

ore 20,30 - 22,30

interruzione per riordino sala

ore 22,30 - 04,00


Tdj Flavio Zizzu (La Spezia)

Sabato 12 settembre 2015

ore 16,30 - 20,30


Tdj Claudio Coppola (Parigi)

ore 20,30 - 22,30

interruzione per riordino sala

ore 22,30 - 04,00


Tdj Victòria Guasch Ibarra (Barcellona)


Domenica 13 Settembre 2015 ore 16,00

Milonga de despedida


Fabiòla Loik - Michele Sottocasa
(Trieste) (Venezia)

ore 03,00 chiusura evento

Tutti gli ingressi in milonga comprendono bevande analcoliche con snack dolci e salati.


Full pass 4 Milongas - Euro 60,00
Pass 3 Milongas (venerdì, sabato, domenica) - Euro 50,00
Milonga giovedì 10 settembre - Euro 10,00
Milonga venerdì 11 settembre - Euro 20,00
Milonga sabato 12 settembre - Euro 20,00
Milonga domenica 13 settembre - Euro 15,00

Prenota on-line

Info: 338-8950583 (Sergio)

Dove alloggiare

Il villaggio Turistico 4 stelle “Le Mimose” sorge sul mare di Porto Sant'Elpidio nelle Marche (Italy). Per la prenotazione delle camere contattare direttamente il villaggio turistico:
Tel. +39 0734 900604 / +39 0734 993379
Fax +39 0734 992958

Prezzi convenzionati
- Singola € 35,00
- Doppia o matrimoniale € 50,00
- Tripla € 75,00
- Quadrupla € 90,00

In ogni caso è compresa la colazione al bar da consumare dalle ore 7,30 – 11,00.

- Servizio Ristorante Pizzeria all'interno del Villaggio
a prezzi convenzionati
- Servizio spiaggia e uso della piscina gratuiti

Come raggiungerci

Porto Sant'Elpidio si trova in Italia nella regione Marche, sulla costa Adriatica, 50 km. a Sud di Ancona e 100 Km. a Nord di Pescara. Le due città sono servite da aeroporti internazionali collegati giornalmente a quelli di Roma, Milano etc.
Per coloro che arrivassero all'aeroporto di Roma-Fiumicino, all' uscita del Terminal 3, al posteggio Bus 35-36, troveranno il pulman della Compagnia Start-Cardinali che prevede più corse giornaliere per Porto Sant'Elpidio a prezzi economici
Per coloro che arrivassero all'aeroporto di Roma-Ciampino, dovranno recarsi alla stazione Bus di Castro Pretorio(adiacente alla stazione ferroviaria Termini Centrale di Roma) per prendere il pulman
Porto Sant'Elpidio è raggiungibile dalle linee ferroviarie regionali, interregionali e Milano-Lecce.
In caso di mancata fermata alla stazione di Porto Sant'Elpidio si può scendere a quella di Civitanova Marche o Porto San Giorgio.
Porto Sant'Elpidio è collegata ai maggiori centri italiani ed europei dall'autostrada A14, uscita casello di Porto Sant'Elpidio.




Arrivé à la quatrième réunion annuelle du tango est renouvelé et offre, toujours dans le cadre du village touristique de " Mimosa" , un festival de quatre jours consacré à cette danse sociale . Il se tourne vers la console avec 7 Dj tout le monde avec la singularité de l'excellence , mais tous animés par le même désir , de vous faire profiter de vos chaussures de danse !
La station balnéaire de Porto Sant ' Elpidio donnant directement sur la mer et le village , le siège de la réunion est humide de la mer Adriatique , si la plage par jour , par nuit milonga ...
Afin de ne rien manquer nous avons pensé à offrir des visites guidées dans la belle région des Marches , promenades possibles dans une ferme ou , pour les plus paresseux , le temps entre la plage et la piscine de détente .
Cet événement a sa propre philosophie: répondre aux danseurs , même les plus exigeants . Un vélo parfaitement adapté à l' , excellent système et musicalizadores de l'expérience avérée de son Tango .
Septembre est toujours le meilleur moment pour un week-end à la mer, alors si vous ajoutez le choix de la musique , étreinte, bonne piste , la convivialité et la courtoisie ... transformer en un " Largo encuentro de Tango ! "

Programme et les coûts

Un programme simple pour les amateurs de tango, juste assez longtemps pour quelques heures de détente à la plage ou à la piscine ou pour explorer les collines vertes avec ses beautés naturelles et historiques ou les magasins de chaussures et de vêtements de sortie des meilleures marques sur le territoire.

Thursday, 10 Septembre, 2015 à 22h00

Milonga aperçu Largo de Tango Encuentro

TDJ Vassily (Grèce)

04,00 heures fermeture

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Friday, 11 Septembre, 2015


réception, enregistrement et cocktail de bienvenue

heure 16,30 à 20,30

Milonga de bienvenida

TDJ Antonella Scida (Rome)

heures 20,30 à 22,30

d'interruption réorganisation salle

de 22,30 à 04,00


TDJ Flavio Zizzu (La Spezia)

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Saturday, 12 Septembre, 2015

heure 16,30 à 20,30


TDJ Claudio Coppola (Paris)

heures 20,30 à 22,30

d'interruption salle réorganisation

de 22,30 à 04,00


TDJ Victòria Guasch Ibarra (Barcelone)

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Sunday, 13 Septembre, 2015 16,00

Milonga de despedida


Fabiola Loik - Michele Sottocasa
(Trieste) (Venise)

heure 03,00

Événement de clôture

Toutes les entrées dans milonga comprennent des boissons gazeuses avec collations sucrées et salées.


Full Pass 4 milongas - Euro 60,00
Col 3 milongas (vendredi, samedi, dimanche) - Euro 50,00
Milonga Thursday, 10 Septembre - Euro 10,00
Milonga Friday, 11th Septembre - Euro 20,00
Milonga Saturday, 12 Septembre - 20 euros, 00
Milonga Sunday, 13 Septembre - Euro 15,00

Réservez en ligne

Info: 338-8950583 ( Sergio )

où séjourner

Le village de tourisme 4 étoiles " Mimosa" est situé sur la plage de Porto Sant ' Elpidio Marches ( Italie ) . Pour les réservations de chambres contacter la station :
Tel +39 0734 900604 / +39 0734 993379
Fax +39 0734 992958
e -mail :
Web :

prix spéciaux
- Simple € 35,00
- Chambre double ou lits € 50,00
- Triple € 75,00
- Quadruple € 90,00

Dans tous les cas , y compris le petit déjeuner au bar pour être consommé à l'heure de 7,30 à 11,00 .

Equipements - Restaurant Pizzeria dans le village
à prix réduit
- Service de plage et de l'utilisation gratuite de la piscine

Comment nous rejoindre

Porto Sant ' Elpidio est situé dans la région des Marches en Italie , sur la côte Adriatique , à 50 km. au sud d'Ancône et 100 kilomètres au nord de Pescara . Les deux villes sont desservies par des aéroports internationaux connectés tous les jours à ceux de Rome , Milan , etc .
Pour ceux qui sont arrivés à l'aéroport de Rome -Fiumicino , tous " à partir du Terminal 3 , à la gare routière 35-36 , trouver l'entraîneur Start- cardinaux de la Société qui fournit plus de voyages quotidiens vers Porto Sant ' Elpidio un http:/ pas cher /
Pour ceux qui sont arrivés à Rome -Ciampino , devra aller à la station de bus Castro prétorienne ( à côté de la Gare Centrale Termini à Rome ) pour prendre le bus
Porto Sant ' Elpidio peut être atteint par des lignes de chemin de fer régionales, interrégionales et Milan - Lecce .
Défaut d'arrêter à la gare de Porto Sant ' Elpidio vous pouvez descendre à celui de Civitanova Marche , Porto San Giorgio .
Porto Sant ' Elpidio est relié aux grands centres italiens et européens de l'autoroute A14 , sortir à Porto Sant' Elpidio .


El evento

Al llegar a la tercera reunión anual de tango se renueva y ofrece, siempre en el entorno del pueblo turístico muy popular de " Mimosa " , un festival de cuatro días dedicada a esta danza social. Se vuelve a la consola con 7 Dj a todos con la singularidad de la excelencia, pero todos animados por la misma voluntad , te hacen disfrutar de sus zapatos de baile !
El complejo turístico de Porto Sant ' Elpidio con vistas al mar y al pueblo , la sede de la reunión es mojada por el mar Adriático , por lo que la playa de día, de noche milonga ...
Con el fin de no perder nada de lo que se cree que ofrece visitas guiadas en la hermosa región de Marche , es posible camina en una granja o , para los más perezosos , el tiempo entre la playa y la piscina relajante .
Este evento tiene su propia filosofía : para cumplir con los bailarines, incluso los más exigentes. Una bicicleta perfectamente adaptado a la Tango , sistema de sonido excelente y musicalizadores de experiencia probada .
Septiembre es siempre el mejor momento para un fin de semana junto al mar , entonces si se agrega la elección de la música , un abrazo , una buena pista , la amabilidad y la cortesía ... convertirlo en un " Largo encuentro de Tango ! "

Programa y costos

Un sencillo programa para los amantes del tango, el tiempo suficiente para unas horas de relax en la playa o en la piscina o explorar las colinas verdes con sus bellezas históricas y naturales o las tiendas de zapatos de salida y la ropa de las mejores marcas en el territorio.

Jueves, 10 de septiembre 2015 a las 22:00

Milonga previsualización Largo Encuentro de Tango

TDJ Vassily (Grecia)

04,00 horas cierre

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Viernes, 11 de septiembre 2015


recepción, registro y cóctel de bienvenida

hora 16,30 a 20,30

Milonga de bienvenida

TDJ Antonella Scida (Roma)

horas 20,30 a 22,30

para la interrupción de reordenamiento hall de

22,30 a 04,00


TDJ Flavio Zizzu (La Spezia)

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Sábado, 12 de septiembre 2015

hora 16,30 a 20,30


TDJ Claudio Coppola (París)

horas 20,30 a 22,30

para la interrupción sala reordenar



TDJ Victòria Guasch Ibarra (Barcelona)

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Domingo, 13 de septiembre 2015 16.00

Milonga de despedida


Fabiola Loik - Michele Sottocasa
(Trieste) (Venecia)

hora 03,00

Evento de Clausura

Todas las entradas en milonga incluyen refrescos con aperitivos dulces y salados.


Pase completo 4 milongas - Euro 60,00
Pass 3 milongas (viernes, sábado, domingo) - Euro 50,00
Milonga Jueves, 10 de septiembre - Euro 10,00
Milonga Viernes, 11 de septiembre - Euro 20.00
Milonga Sábado, 12 de septiembre - 20 euros, 00
Milonga Domingo, 13 de septiembre - Euro 15,00

Reserve en línea

Info : 338-8950583 (Sergio )

Dónde alojarse

El 4-star villa turística " Mimosa " se encuentra en la playa de Porto Sant ' Elpidio Marche ( Italia) . Para reservas de habitaciones en contacto con el departamento:
Tel +39 0734 900604 / +39 0734 993379
Fax +39 0734 992958
e- mail:

precios especiales
- Single € 35.00
- Doble o Twin € 50.00
- Triple € 75.00
- Cuádruple € 90,00

En cualquier caso, incluyendo la barra de desayuno para ser consumidos por hora 7,30 a 11,00 .

Instalaciones - Restaurante Pizzeria en el Village
a precios reducidos
- El servicio de playa y el uso gratuito de la piscina

Como llegar

Porto Sant ' Elpidio está situado en la región de Marche, en Italia, en la costa del Adriático , a 50 km. Al sur de Ancona y 100 kilómetros al norte de Pescara. Las dos ciudades son atendidas por los aeropuertos internacionales conectados diariamente a las de Roma, Milán , etc .
Para los que llegó al aeropuerto de Roma- Fiumicino, todo ' desde la Terminal 3 , a la parada del bus 35 a 36 , encuentre el entrenador Start -Cardenales de la Sociedad que ofrece más viajes diarios a Porto Sant' Elpidio un http:/ barato /
Para los que llegó a Roma -Ciampino , tendrá que ir a la estación de autobuses de Castro Pretorio ( junto a la estación central de trenes de Termini, en Roma ) para tomar el bus
Porto Sant ' Elpidio se puede llegar en las líneas ferroviarias regionales , interregionales y Milan- Lecce .
Si no se detiene en la estación de Porto Sant ' Elpidio se puede bajar a la de Civitanova Marche , Porto San Giorgio .
Porto Sant ' Elpidio está conectado con los principales centros italianos y europeos de la autopista A14 , tome la salida de Porto Sant' Elpidio .



Arrived at the fourth edition of our meeting tango is renewed and offers, always in the frame of the renowned tourist village "Mimosa", a four-day event dedicated to this social dance. He turns to the console with 7 TDJ each with singularities of excellence, but all animated by the same desire, you consume your dancing shoes!
The resort of Porto Sant'Elpidio directly overlooking the sea and the village, site of the meeting, is wet from the Adriatic, then, day beach, night milonga ...
To not to miss anything we could offer itineraries in the beautiful Marche Region, possible walks in villas, shopping in the outlet of the best companies and brands of the area or, for the more lazy, relaxing between the beach and pool.
This event has its own philosophy: to meet the dancers, even the most demanding. A track perfectly suited to Tango, sound system and excellent musicalizadores of international experience.
September is always the best time for a weekend at the beach, then if you add music choice, hug, good track, friendliness and courtesy ... turn it into a "Largo Encuentro de Tango".

Program / costs

A simple program for tango enthusiasts, just long enough for a few hours relaxing at the beach or pool or to explore the rolling green hills with its historical and natural beauties or the outlet shoe stores and clothing of the best brands on the territory.

Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 22.00

Milonga preview Largo Encuentro de Tango

TDJ Vassily (Greece)

04.00 hours closing

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Friday, September 11, 2015


reception, registration and welcome cocktail

hours from 16.30 to 20.30

Milonga de bienvenida

TDJ Antonella Scidà (Rome)

hours from 20.30 to 22.30

for interruption reordering hall

22.30 - 04.00


TDJ Flavio Zizzu (La Spezia)

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

hours from 16.30 to 20.30


TDJ Claudio Coppola (Paris)

hours from 20.30 to 22.30

for interruption reordering hall

22.30 - 04.00


TDJ Victòria Guasch Ibarra (Barcelona)

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Milonga de despedida


Fabiola Loik - Michele Sottocasa
(Trieste) (Venice)

hours 03,00 Closing Event

All inputs in milonga include soft drinks with sweet and savory snacks.


Full pass 4 milongas - Euro 60,00
Pass 3 milongas (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) - Euro 50,00
Milonga Thursday, September 10 - Euro 10,00
Milonga Friday, September 11th - Euro 20.00
Milonga Saturday, September 12 - 20 Euro, 00
Milonga Sunday, September 13 - Euro 15,00

Where to stay

The village Tourist 4 stars "Mimosa" is a peaceful beach of Porto Sant'Elpidio Marche (Italy). For room reservations contact the resort:
Tel. +39 0734 900604 / +39 0734 993379
Fax +39 0734 992958
Prices agreement
- Single € 35.00
- € 50.00 Twin or Double
- Triple € 75.00
- € 90.00 Quadruple
Anyway includes breakfast at the bar to be consumed by the hour from 7.30 to 11.00.
- Service Restaurant-Pizzeria in the village at discounted prices.
- Free services on the beach and free use of the swimming pool.

Getting there

Airport: Raffaello Sanzio Ancona / Falconara ( - )
is possible to continue
- By shuttle bus from the airport Ancona / Falconara until the Central Railway Station of Ancona:
every day from Monday 'on Saturday, the rural service J, Euro 2,00 / A - 2.00 Euro / R
Sunday, rural line C, Euro 2,00 / A - 2.00 Euro / R
- By train :
Ancona Central Station, take the regional train to Stazione di Porto Sant'Elpidio, a train every hour from 5.15 am until 21.55. Cost Euro 3,50 / A - 3.50 / R.
prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free automatic shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas".
- On the highway:
from the exit Ancona Nord, southbound, exit the highway at Porto Sant'Elpidio (completely with the third lane) dist. Km. 64 (40 minutes).

Pescara Airport ( )
you can follow:
- Shuttle bus:
from Pescara airport to the train station of Pescara Centrale, bus every day from 7.30 am to 22.00 line nr. 8, Sunday line nr. 38, cost € 1.00 / A - 1.00 euro / R

- By train:
Central Station Pescara, regional train station stop in Porto Sant'Elpidio prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free car shuttle train station Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas".

- By car:
Pescara airport, head for the motorway exit Pescara-South, take direction north until the exit of the motorway exit Fermo-Porto Sant'Elpidio, 113 Km away (1.15 hours min.) .

Guglielmo Marconi Airport - Bologna ( )
you can follow:
- Shuttle bus:
G.Marconi- Bologna airport to the Central Station of Bologna
- By train:
Central Station-Bologna to the central station of Ancona with a number of different trains (Regional Fast - Intercity - White Arrow) with departures every hour / half hour starting at 6.35 wineskin with a cost ranging from EUR 14,55 / 14.55 A / R to EUR 32,00 / 32,00 A / R, for an average duration of the trip from 1.46 and 3.25 hours, depending on the type of train.
Ancona Central Station, take the regional train station stop in Porto Sant'Elpidio, a train every hour from 5.15 am until 21.55 cost Euro 3,50 / A - 3.50 / R.
Well in advance, prior notice of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free car shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas", about 3 km away.
- By car:
A14, both north and south motorway exit Fermo Porto Sant'Elpidio. Coming from the north highway completely with the third lane. Distance from the village "The mimosas" about 1 km.

Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome - Fiumicino ( )
you can follow:
- Coach that:
directly opposite the exit of Terminal 3 - place Bus nr. 1 and 2 - 283 km, time 2 hours 51 min.
chance to stop A / R-Rome Castro Praetorian (street adjacent to the Termini Central Station of Rome) and Rome Tiburtina station. Terminal A / R Station Agip - Porto Sant'Elpidio (around 500 meters from the village "Mimosa" cost ticket to / from € 34.00 to € 37.00.
Well in advance, notice of the arrival The village "The mimosas" arrange a free shuttle from the train self Agip Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas ".
chance to stop A / R Rome- Castro Praetorian (street adjacent to the Termini Central Station of Rome) and Rome Tiburtina station. Capolinea A / R Station Agip - Porto Sant'Elpidio (around 500 meters from the village "Mimosa") cost ticket to / from € 34, 00 to € 37.00.
Well in advance, notice of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" arrange a free shuttle from the train self Agip Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas ".

Airport: Rome - Ciampino ( )
you can follow:
- Coach that:
the terminal in Ciampino, Bus- Shuttle A / R until the Rome Tiburtina station, then bus up to Porto Sant'Elpidio (square of Porto Sant'Elpidio, distance from the Village "Mimosa" about 3 km). 300 km, time 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Well in advance, notice of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" arrange a free shuttle from the self displaces Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas ".
- Coach that:

bus shuttle company TERRAVISION that connects directly to / from the Ciampino airport with the railway station "Termini Central" of Rome, from here, go around, in exactly the way Castro Praetorian, and take the bus line of the company "Sartcardinali" or "RomaMarche" , to Porto Sant'Elpidio (Agip station stop at about 500 mt. from the tourist village " Mimosa ") .
Well in advance notice of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" arrange a free shuttle from the self displaces Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas ".


Milan: stat. Central Milan for stat. Central Bologna for stat. Central Ancona. From the central station of Ancona train Regional stat. Porto Sant'Elpidio.
prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free car shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas". www.trenitalia. en

from Bologna: stat. Central Bologna for Staz. Centr. Ancona. From the central station of Ancona train Regional stat. Porto Sant'Elpidio.
prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free automatic shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas". www.trenitalia .it

from Pescara: stat. Pescara Central / Regional train stat. Porto Sant'Elpidio. prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free automatic shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas". www.trenitalia .it

Bari: stat. Central Bari for stat. Central Pescara. From Central Station in Pescara / train Regional Staz. Porto Sant'Elpidio. prior notice well in advance of the arrival time, the village "The mimosas" will prepare a free automatic shuttle from the train station in Porto Sant'Elpidio up to the Village "The mimosas". www.trenitalia .it


from Milan: highway up to Bologna / A14 motorway exit Fermo-Porto Sant'Elpidio (all in the third lane). Bologna: A14 - motorway exit Fermo-Porto Sant'Elpidio (all in the third lane). Bari : A14 - motorway exit Fermo-Porto Sant'Elpidio

online reservations



  • Location:
    Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 10 September 2015 - To: Monday, 14 September 2015
    Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 10 September 2015
    Event Ends: Monday, 14 September 2015
Read 3888 times Last modified on Monday, 07 September 2015 20:05


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