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En Tu Caricia

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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En Tu Caricia

En Tu Caricia

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Llegaré a tu hogar

1, 2 e 3 marzo 2019

Hotel Verdi - Via Lanza, 8 - Vicenza

L'evento si svolgerà nella splendida sala in parquet dell’Hotel Verdi, posta all’ultimo piano dell’edificio e con finestre a 360°: una vista mozzafiato sulla città e sulle colline di Vicenza accompagnerà i nostri tre giorni di tandas e abbracci. Sullo stesso piano verranno serviti i buffet e il bar sarà a disposizione per tutto l'evento. Adiacente, a disposizione un’ampia terrazza.
Invito con mirada e cabeceo e posti a sedere numerati e assegnati ad ogni singola milonga in ordine di arrivo.

Il nostro programma:

VENERDI 1 marzo
Accoglienza e registrazioni dalle ore 19.00

Ore 22.00 – 03.00.
“Alma” – TDJ Emanuele Ser Landi

SABATO 2 marzo
Ore 15.00 – 19.30.
“Suerte Loca” – TDJ Al Porteño

Ore 19,30 Aperitivo

Ore 22.00 – 03.00.
“En Tu Caricia” – TDJ Paolo Persiani

DOMENICA 3 marzo
Ore 15.00 – 21.00.
“Con Tu Mirar” – TDJ Fabiòla Loik

Durante tutte le milongas saranno a disposizione acqua e ricchi buffet preparati secondo la nostra tradizione: frutta di stagione, stuzzichini dolci e salati nonchè specialità fresche della cucina veneta preparate da noi, al momento.

PACK MILONGAS inclusi i buffet - € 80

Esporranno all'evento: Abiti di Inedito Tango e Bandolera Tango Shoes



Llegaré a tu hogar

1, 2 et 3 Mars 2019

Hotel Verdi- Via Lanza, 8- Vicenza

L’évènement se déroulera dans la splendide salle en parquet de l’Hotel Verdi, située au dernier étage de l’édifice avec des fenêtres à 360°: une vue spectaculaire sur la ville et sur les collines de Vicenza accompagnera nos trois jours de tandas et d’étreintes. Au même étage les buffets seronts servis et le bar sera à notre disposition pendant toute la durée de l’évènement. Attenant au bar une grande terrasse est à notre disposition.

Notre programme:

Accueil et enregistrement à partir de 19h.
H 22.00 - 3.00
“Alma”- TDJ Emanuele Ser Landi

H 15.00-19.30
“ Suerte Loca”- TDJ Al Porteño
Ore 19,30 Aperitivo
H 22.00-03.00
“En Tu Caricia”-TDJ Paolo Persiani

H 15.00-21.00
“Con tu Mirar”- TDJ Fabiòla Loik

Pendant toutes les milongas, eau à volonté et riches buffets préparés selon notre tradition: fruits de saison, amuses-gueules salés et sucrés ainsi que des spécialités fraìches de la cuisine vénitienne préparées par nous-même à l’instant.

PACK MILONGAS buffets compris: euro 80.

Exposants pendant l’évènement: Habits de Inedito Tango et Bandolera Tango Shoes.

Vous attendent!

Llegaré a tu hogar

1, 2 e 3 march 2019

Hotel Verdi - Via Lanza, 8 - Vicenza

The event will take place in the beautiful attic hall with parquet flooring at Hotel Verdi surrounded by panoramic windows: breathtaking views on the city and the hills of Vicenza will accompany our tandas and embraces for three days. The buffet will be served on the same floor and the bar will be open throughout the event. A wide roof terrace is also accessible.
Our program:
FRIDAY 1th March
Registration: from 7 p.m.

H 22.00 – 03.00
“Alma” – TDJ Emanuele Ser Landi

SATURDAY 2nd March
H 15.00 – 19.30
“Suerte Loca” – TDJ Al Porteño

H 19.30 Aperitivo

H 22.00 – 03.00
“En Tu Caricia” – TDJ Paolo Persiani

SUNDAY 3rd March
H 15.00 – 21.00
“Con Tu Mirar” – TDJ Fabiòla Loik

During all milongas water and a rich buffet of traditional food will be available: seasonal fruit, sweet and savoury appetizers as well as food specialties of the Veneto cuisine freshly prepared by us.

Exhibitors at the event: Bandolera Tango Shoes and Inedito Tango.
PACK MILONGAS – buffet included : €80

are waiting for you!


  • Location:
    Vicenza, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 01 March 2019 - To: Sunday, 03 March 2019
    Vicenza, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 01 March 2019
    Event Ends: Sunday, 03 March 2019
Read 6543 times


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