MayDayStay PlayMilonga milonga for all
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MayDayStay PlayMilonga milonga for all
MayDayStay PlayMilonga milonga for all
"Tango has a big heart and a powerful embrace." - JS
MayDayStay&PlayMilongas in May - milongas for all
Time: 21:21 - 01:01
Date: May 11th, Saturday 2019
Street: Ante Kovačića 4
Town: Zagreb
Membership. fee: 20HRK
You can book your table as well as bring your refreshments or....
Music for every taste.
Not having a partner or a dance style, or a dance skills are not important.
"Tango ima veliko srce i moćan zagrljaj." - Jelena Somogyi maestra argentinskog tanga
MayDayStay&PlayMilongas u svibnju za sve
Vrijeme: 21:21 - 01:01
Datum: Subota, 11. Svibnja 2019.
Ulica: Ante Kovačića 4
Grad: Zagreb
Jednodnevna korisnička članarina: 20HRK
Možete rezervirati svoj stol kao i ponjeti svoja osvježenja ili ... .
Glazba za svačiji ukus.
Ne imanje partnera ili partnerice kao ni plesni stil, a ni stupanj znanja plesne vještine nisu bitni.
- Location:
- Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: Saturday, 11 May 2019 - To: Sunday, 12 May 2019
- Location:
- Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Saturday, 11 May 2019
- Event Ends: Sunday, 12 May 2019
- Number of Participants:
- 20 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 20 HRK - Croatia Kuna
- Number of Participants:
- 20 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 20 HRK - Croatia Kuna
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Not required - Tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Saturday, 11 May 2019
- Registration Closes:
- Sunday, 12 May 2019
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Not required - Tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Saturday, 11 May 2019
- Registration Closes:
- Sunday, 12 May 2019
- Accommodation:
- No
- Beverages:
- No
- Transfer:
- No
- Massage:
- No
- Accommodation:
- No
- Beverages:
- No
- Transfer:
- No
- Massage:
- No
- Website
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- Visit our Facebook group
- Website
- Visit our website
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- Visit our Facebook group