Welsh International Tango Festival
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Welsh International Tango Festival
Welsh International Tango Festival
We would like to welcome you to Wales’ 5th International Tango Festival.
The event will be run from Friday 24th November to Monday 27th November and includes workshops from some of the World’s top tango teachers and performers, we are pleased to welcoming Nick Jones & Diana Cruz back to Wales, as well as local talent plus a a welcome milonga, a live music milonga ball with hot buffet and a live music chillout milonga tea dance.
The event is aimed at all types and levels of tango dancer and we are sure no matter what your preference you will find something you enjoy.
There is also limited opportunities to have private lessons from our guest teachers.
- Location:
- Swansea, UK (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: Friday, 24 November 2023 - To: Monday, 27 November 2023
- Location:
- Swansea, UK (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Friday, 24 November 2023
- Event Ends: Monday, 27 November 2023
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 50 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 50 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Monday, 23 January 2023
- Registration Closes:
- Thursday, 23 November 2023
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Monday, 23 January 2023
- Registration Closes:
- Thursday, 23 November 2023
- Diana CruzDiana Cruz
- Accommodation:
- No
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Transfer:
- No
- Massage:
- No
- Accommodation:
- No
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Transfer:
- No
- Massage:
- No
- Website
- Visit our website
- Website
- Visit our website