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Christmas party workshops

Pikkujoulut workshopviikonloppu
Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Christmas party workshops

Christmas party workshops

Pikkujoulut workshopviikonloppu
Pikkujoulut workshopviikonloppu
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


(Scroll down for in formation in English)

Sydämellisesti tervetuloa koko tangoyhteisön pikkujoulujuhlaan 9. joulukuuta! Paikka on Hotel Arthurin kaunis juhlasali Helsingin keskustassa. Musiikkia, tangohalauksia, esityksiä, hyvää ruokaa... Tämä talvinen ilta tarjoaa pieniä iloja kaikille aisteille. Perjantai-illan DJ on Natalia Merkulova Pietarista.
Tunnelmallisen perjantaimilongan lisäksi lauantaina ja sunnuntaina on tiedossa sarja huippukiinnostavia musikaalisuustunteja, joten niin läheltä kuin kaukaa saapuvien vieraiden kannattaa osallistua myös seuraavien päivien ohjelmaan. Sen sisällöstä ja aikatauluista lisätetoa alla! Pikkujouluista kerromme tarkemmin lähipäivinä. Merkitkää sillä välin päivät kalenteriin.


We would like to invite the whole tango community and visitors from near and far to our Christmas party on December 9th! The location is the ballroom at Hotel Arthur in the centre of Helsinki. There will be something for all senses on this winter night: music, tango embraces, performances, good food... The DJ on Friday night is Natalia Merkulova from St. Petersburg.
In addition to the Friday milonga, we offer a series of excellent musicality workshops on Saturday the 10th and Sunday 11th - definitely worth making it three days of tango in a row! More information on the workhop contents and schedule below.
Details about the Christmas party will follow in the next couple of days! Meanwhile mark the dates in your calendar.

PERJANTAI/FRIDAY 9.12. Pikkujoulut/Christmas party
Hotel Arthur, Vuorikatu 16, Helsinki
Buffet-illallinen / Buffet dinner
Milonga, DJ Natalia Merkulova (St. Petersburg)
Lisätietoa ohjelmasta pian! More information on the programme soon!


Opettajana/ Workshops by Alejandro Jaime (ARG)
(Alejandro Jaime - Musicality and Interpretation)

Kursseista/About the workshops:

The aim of this intensive workshop is to help dancers express the different layers of the music through exercises designed to refine their musical perception. The central questions we will seek to answer together are:
● How can music modify the intensity, quality and dynamic of movement?
●How can different aspects of the music predispose us differently when we move?
● How did the different migrations influence tango as a type of music and as dance? And how can historical and cultural knowledge change our perception of the music, our understanding of the lyrics and our experience of the milonga?
The workshop covers a wide variety of topics specifically chosen to encourage the development of movement, body language and listening skills. No partner needed. All levels.


15.15-16.45 WORKSHOP 1/4

1. Rhythmic orchestras: brightness, energy, movement and pulse
● What are the best moments for each rhythmical pattern?
● Syncopation and asymmetrical rhythmic patterns in the couple
● The Guardia Vieja and the tango from the streets
● Canaro: Canyengue and the African roots of tango
● D’Arienzo: Rhythmic figures and sequences

17.00-18.30 WORKSHOP 2/4

2. Melodic orchestras: density, flexibility and phrasing
● How can you express the melody in your dance?
● Phrasing and musical resources
● The birth of tango salon and the new upper class
● Di Sarli: Density in the walk
● Calo: Dynamics and melody


12.00-13.30 WORKSHOP 3/4

3. Instrumental orchestras: volume, dynamics and complex instrumentation
● What are musical dynamics? How can we express different volumes in your dance?
● Instrumentation and different layers of the music
● Playing with height and quality of movement
● Pugliese: Dialogue between instruments
● Gobbi: Layers and volume

13.45-15.15 WORKSHOP 4/4

4. Dancing to the singer and listening to the lyrics
● What does “dancing to the singer” mean? How can the singer influence our dance and modify the quality of our movements?
● What are the technical and personal characteristics that stand out in each singer, and make them unique? Lyrical and popular singers
● What is the relationship between the music and the lyrics? What comes first in the dance? And how do dance, music and lyrics interrelate?
● What is the origin and what are the main features of lunfardo ( porteño slang)?

About Alejandro Jaime:
He is a trained classical musician and teacher, specialised in composition in contemporary music, improvisation, and classical guitar. He studied at the most important conservatories of the country, including the Superior Conservatoire of Music Manuel de Falla and the National Arts University as well as winning several scholarships, e.g. the National Found of Arts Scholarship and Mention. Alejandro has also performed at numerous international and national festivals and taught music theory and guitar for over twelve years. He has a deep understanding of body awareness and movement thanks to his long experience in martial arts and his knowledge of biomechanical techniques such as the Fedora Aberastury Method and the Alexander Technique. He has studied Argentinian native dances and folklore since he was five years old. He has ample experience of working with contemporary dancers and has coached Tango World Championship finalists from different countries with success. He has nearly 20 years of experience teaching groups .


  • Location:
    Helsinki, Finland
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 09 December 2016 - To: Sunday, 11 December 2016
    Helsinki, Finland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 09 December 2016
    Event Ends: Sunday, 11 December 2016
Read 4335 times


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