Follower's seminar Tango Argentino
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Follower's seminar Tango Argentino
Follower's seminar Tango Argentino
??Follower seminar Tango Argentino by Jelena Somogyi
6. Rujna, 3. Listopada, 10. Listopada i 17. Listopada
Dan i vrijeme: subota, 19:00 - 20:30
Ulica i grad: Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb.
Prijave obavezne i dodatne informacije na, +385 98 950 2738 ili putem kontakt obrasca na internetskoj stranici.
Ponesite soknice i cipelice u kojima plešete. Odjenite ugodnu odjeću koja vas ne sputava u kretnjama.
Os, uzemljenje i sloboda kreativnosti uz kontakt.
Na prvom terminu Tema je Tango, drugom milonga, trećem vlas i na četvrtom objediniti ćemo sve prethodno.
Način pohađanja seminara. Termin/e možete pohađati putem jednodnevne korisnička članarina (60 HRK/70HRK). Putem ukupne korisničke članarine za cijeli seminar (180/240HRK).
Ne možete fizički biti s nama? Nastavu možete pratiti ONLINE uz prijavu. Uvjek tu za Vas. #tangoargentinobezgranica #InstitutargentinskogtangaLiberTango
???? Follower seminar Tango Argentino by Jelena Somogyi
September 26rd; October 3rd, 10th and 17th
Day and time: Saturday, 19:00 - 20:30
Street & city: Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb
Applications and additional info on, +385 98 950 2738, or via contact form on the website.
Bring the socks and shoes you dance in. Put on comfortable clothes that don't hold you back in your movements.
Axis, grounding and freedom of creativity with contact.
On the first term, The theme is Tango, the second milonga, the third vals and on the fourth we will bring everything together.
You can attend the time via a one-day customer service fee (60 HRK/70HRK). Through the total user membership fee for the entire seminar (180/240HRK).
If you cannot attend physically, you can be with us ONLINE. Always there for You. #tangoargentinowithoutborder #InstitutargentinskogtangaLiberTango
- Location:
- Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: Saturday, 26 September 2020 - To: Saturday, 17 October 2020
- Location:
- Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Saturday, 26 September 2020
- Event Ends: Saturday, 17 October 2020
- Number of Participants:
- 10 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 70 HRK - Croatia Kuna
- Number of Participants:
- 10 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 70 HRK - Croatia Kuna
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Thursday, 24 September 2020
- Registration Closes:
- Saturday, 17 October 2020
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Thursday, 24 September 2020
- Registration Closes:
- Saturday, 17 October 2020
- Accommodation:
- Yes
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Massage:
- Yes
- Accommodation:
- Yes
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Massage:
- Yes
- Website
- Visit our website
- Website
- Visit our website