Tango for Musicians at Reed College
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Tango for Musicians at Reed College
Tango for Musicians at Reed College
Now in our sixth year, the workshop attracts participants throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and beyond who are eager to learn, explore, and experiment with tango music in deep and meaningful ways.
Emphasizing technique and creativity, history and the present, the prestigious artistic faculty of Tango for Musicians at Reed College come to us directly from Buenos Aires and are dedicated to opening the mysteries of tango music for players of any instrument in a welcoming, supportive, and professional environment.
- Location:
- 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: Sunday, 17 June 2018 - To: Sunday, 24 June 2018
- Location:
- 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Sunday, 17 June 2018
- Event Ends: Sunday, 24 June 2018
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 700 USD - United States Dollar
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 700 USD - United States Dollar
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Thursday, 01 February 2018
- Registration Closes:
- Monday, 04 June 2018
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Required - No tickets at the door
- Registration Opens:
- Thursday, 01 February 2018
- Registration Closes:
- Monday, 04 June 2018
- Accommodation:
- Yes
- Accommodation:
- Yes
- Website
- Visit our website
- Website
- Visit our website