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Flores de Invierno Tango Weekend

Second Edtion
Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Flores de Invierno Tango Weekend

Flores de Invierno Tango Weekend

Second Edtion
Second Edtion
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


|V|V| Scroll down for English text |V|V|

Second Edition of Flores de Invierno Tango Weekend пройдет с 28 по 31 января 2016 года в новом природном курорте Яхонты.

Если первый марафон включал 3 дня, то в этом году мы решили добавить еще две милонги и еще один день. Итого у нас шесть милонг с четверга по воскресенье, что дает в общем итоге 42 часа танцевания.

Основная идея мероприятия — протанцевать с комфортом все выходные напролет. В наличии все необходимые компоненты для организации правильного пространства милонги: паркетный пол, достаточное количество столов, стульев и диванчиков, подходящая звуковая аппаратура.

Наш формат — все в одном месте — позволяет не тратить время на бесконечные поездки по городу и использовать его более приятно и интересно: для танцев, общения с друзьями, занятий спортом или банального ничегонеделания.

Если вы не очень любите зиму — просто закройте шторы и в горячих объятиях вы быстро забудете, сколько там на улице градусов ниже ноля. А для любителей снежной поры — это отличный шанс провести выходные на природе с катанием на коньках или лыжными прогулками.

Приезжайте на Flores de Invierno сами и зовите друзей, ждем вас.

Алесь Жук.

our dear international guest!

We are glad to invite you to Second Edtion of Flores de Invierno Tango Weekend this winter. It will be held from January 28th till January 31st at park-hotel Yahonty which is located just 64 km east from Moscow.

If you ever wanted to dance with lots of Moscow dancers — this would be a great opportunity to do so. Moscow tango community is really big and diverse, we are sure you’ll be able to find many great partners for any technical level and dancing style you are looking for. As a bonus, there would be really nice guests from other Russian cities ;)

Yes, it is a real Russian Winter but you shouldn’t be afraid, as you will sleep, eat and dance all in the same building. You will go outside only if you want to have some real winter fun like skiing, ice-skating or participating in snow battles.

Full package price with 4 long milongas is and 2 nights of stay is just around 90€ per person, that includes hotel meals twice a day. You will be hard pressed to find such low prices for any other Moscow tango event!

One thing that may be stopping you from booking tickets right away may be a visa question.
First, here is a list of countries which have visa-free agreements with Russia. If you country is in these lists please be sure to check with Russian embassy if anything else from valid passport is required (i.e. health insurance, tourist voucher from hotel, extra photos for some documents). Second, if you DO need a visa we will do our best to help you get it in the least expensive and time-consuming way possible.

We understand that you may be afraid of getting lost in such big city. That is why we will find a volunteer to meet you at the train station where shuttle from airport arrives. There would be multiple choices on reaching Vozdvizhenskoe after that:
a) you may be really lucky and a volunteer who will pick you up will have a car
b) there would be an official transfer from Moscow and back on Friday and Sunday evening respectively (7€ for one way travel)
c) you and your volunteer guide will use a regional train, it’s just a 5 minute walk from Avangard train stop to Vozdvizhenskoe (4€ for one way travel).

See you at our event!

Ales’ Zhuk.


  • Location:
    Serpuchow, Russia
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 28 January 2016 - To: Sunday, 31 January 2016
    Serpuchow, Russia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 28 January 2016
    Event Ends: Sunday, 31 January 2016
Read 4218 times


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