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Gustavo Naveira y Giselle Anne a Torino

Organised by:


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Gustavo Naveira y Giselle Anne a Torino

Gustavo Naveira y Giselle Anne a Torino

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


[IT] Gustavo Naveira e Giselle Anne, due vere icone del tango, tornano a Torino con un programma ricco ed intenso:

- un seminario di 12 ore in 3 giorni, livello perfezionamento e master, a tema "All you need in Tango", tutti i fondamentali

- tre workshop, livello intermedio/avanzato:
8 giugno: Strutture
9 giugno: Condurre
10 giugno: Cambi di direzione

- una serata di gala musicalizzata dal TDJ Giampaolo Siviero "El Pablo" con esibizione dei Maestri

L'intero FestivaliTorino si svolgerà presso la Scuola di Tango Tangonauti, in via Assarotti 6 a Torino

Trovate tutte le informazioni su orari, costi e modalità d'iscrizione sul sito

Siamo a vostra disposizione al 3498058658 o all'indirizzo se avete ulteriori dubbi o domande.

[EN] Gustavo Naveira and Giselle Anne, two real tango icons, are back in Turin with a huge and intense program:

- a 12-hour seminar split on 3 days, perfectionning and master level, about "All you need in Tango", all the fundamentals for your dance.

- three workshops, intermediate and advanced level:
June 8: Structure
June 9: The lead
June 10: Changes of direction

- a gala night with the Maestros' performance during the milonga (TDJ Giampaolo Siviero "El Pablo")

The whole FestivaliTorino will take place in Scuola di Tango Tangonauti, via Assarotti 6 in Turin.

All the details about schedule, costs and inscription can be found on the event website:

Should you have any further doubt or question, we remain at your disposal at the following phone number: (+39)3498058658 or via e-mail:


  • Location:
    Via Assarotti 6, Turin, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Viernes, 08 Junio 2018 - To: Domingo, 10 Junio 2018
    Via Assarotti 6, Turin, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Viernes, 08 Junio 2018
    Event Ends: Domingo, 10 Junio 2018
  • Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Lunes, 01 Enero 2018
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Lunes, 01 Enero 2018
  • Giselle Anne
    Gustavo Naveira
    Giselle Anne
    Gustavo Naveira
Read 11991 times



Via Assarotti 6, Turin, Italy Pin icons from Medialoot


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